аааааааааааааааааа Heart of a shark.

ааааааааааааа It is devoted to my

ааааааааааа schoolmate George

аааааааааа Ghonghadze аand to everyoneаааааа who was killed

аааааааааааа duringа yearsа of " revived

ааааааааааа Democracies ".


аOn small depth 10-12 sharks, swimming slowly are floating even more deeply. A voice of one of them for the staff:

-.. Yes -а we had nicely dinner yesterday... I as to the promptest, had got a chest.... Only the heartburn has torturedа me- it is visible,а I have swallowed something not that... The Skin-diver, and climbs in the sea with any plastic rubbish. Without concept,а it means... My Grandfather, let lord of all seasа bless him, cought somehow hurriedlyа some iron thing with sharp finsаа and he has broken off all interior. But heа was not for long tormented -а ourа brothers having seen in whatа was the matter to him ate him as breakfast.а It is fast. We, sea hunters, for a long time do not live... Weа are not asа these octopuses with two tails from the Earth... Sometimes I eat such old manа -аа I cannot chew himа at all. It is still good, that the lord gave us good teeth, he has not offended us - three lines of sharp ones . One trouble - they drop out quickly. However, everything, that is done all to the best.

One is bad - dreamsа have tortured me very much.а When I eat a head or a chest - precisely any delirium from a life of this man аIа will see. at night.. By the way, what there on top ?...-And the shark has emerged.

The surface of the sea was quiet. Only very far there was floatingа a heavy vessel.

- Wow! We will get nothing. From such vast object only in films tourists fall. This, my last food a diver,а he watched only films and repeatedа senseless words . All of them are in my head now . And that "wow", for example, where it floats - I shall not understand at all....

Over there my brother with aа torn fin shows off before a shark with a white head. I remember,а such case wasаа with him.....

Before a mindа of Prompt there was a picture from the past...

.... Four sharks have surrounded a boat with one passenger and began to ram it.... At last in a board the hole was formed and in some minutes the person appeared in a teeth of one of sharks.а The pink stain has gone on the water. And suddenly that successful shark, just swollowed the man , has rushed to bite the others. Water around has begun to seethe...

-.. Then hisа fin has been torn... It is not the Earth with its lawlessnessesа here. Only on the Earth who is more impudent, that is main. My brother became mad because he has swallowedа the murder. He understood it аwhen he saw murder's life in his dream...

Aroundа there was the underwater life in all its magnificence. Sea fish were twisted around each other. Kalmar has stood, expecting the lunch. About pink corals the sea hedgehog moved.

The flight of sharks continued to draw zigzags surrounding space....

- Here is the octopus was inflated, - thought Prompt.-He becameа blackа from grey! he is very angry. Eh, a multileg, don't beа nervous, we have not business with you.

Directly above sharks the squid who has jumped out of water has flown by.

-.. He, probably, as well as I, envy birds. Birds in something are stronger than we. One case was... Stop. Someone is floating. It is necessary to look.

Prompt has come up. On sea the white yacht slided. The flight has quickened. The distance between fins of sharks and a vessel began to be reduced sharply. And soon the yacht already was floating with a guard of honour of sea hunters.

-.. Look, the captain, how many are they! - the gray-bearded passenger spoke the person behind a steering wheel.

- Do not worry, youа are in full safe.-the captain answered.

The strong push from below was the answer to his words.

Gray-bearded man seized by hand-rail and has cried out:

- They attack us, captain.

- The bottom is strong, they will not be able to destroy it-Was reciprocal shout fromа the cabin.

The push was stronger than early.It has forced a yacht to tilt and the wave has rushed on a deck.

Sharks below, similar, operated under the planned plan and very strongly... Pushes followed one by one. The captain and the passenger were thrownа here and there.

- It is necessary to return! - shouted gray-bearded man... My God !...

The crash of the punched bottom has muffled his words. The yacht began to sink... Some more minutes and above water gauging heart-breaking shout...

- Wow, what's happenedа with me? - said the Prompt.-As if the lightning has sparkled. Onlyа it is not outside, but inside.... Such Iа did not test... Darkens...It is enough impressions for one day... It would be time to have a rest...

ааааааааа ....................

Small Greek church on one of islands of Aegean sea.

The gray-bearded priest in a black cassock, the person amazingly similar to the unfortunate passenger from the sunk yacht, locked church doors. Having covered his face with aа hand, he has looked at a pink decline and has murmured:

- You leave because to rise again and to present all the life and pleasure.

- You something have told, father? -а the old watchman has asked the priest.

а- I say it to the sun-the priest has smiled. - Simply it was a very difficult day today for me... Today one elderly woman has come to me. She has told, that her daughter in structure of the Red Cross has gone to Afghanistan. They should distribute the medecine and food to local people. Her daughter has not worked a week whenа terrorists stole her with the requirement to disengage the American armies from Iraq. A week later photos of decapitated female body have appeared on the Internet...

Mother, zealous catholic, isа about to become mad. In her head the fact of destruction of the daughter is stacked simply - all of us are mortal, - namely such death, from hands of fanatics of moslems. She prayed as never and...аа any wonder has not taken place. Now sheа has nothing to do in church. She{ cannot find to herself rest anywhere. She was at many psychics, ufologists, now she has come in our church.

- And whatа have you told to her?

- What could I tell? Only that л if the wheaten grain, fell in the ground, will not die there will be one and if will die, will bring a lot of fruit. ╗ In sense, if the God let аany evil only that from it was born kindness.

The sun arose above the sea. It was everything gold around. The Prompt smiled to the sun, greeting him.

- What a strange dream has dreamed me. Terrorists , a grain wheaten.а I am sure these people are аcrasy. What for so to complicate to itself a life? Todayа you eat, tomorrow someone will eat you. And it is fair... Oneа shark аwith a black tail told, that Buddhists ( once he ateа one Indian) are very sensibly look on this process . They do not arrange tragedies . They say that, to die, about oneа mountain andа if eaglesа will have you as dinnerа itа is considered the best thing.

Oh how much аI sreak on an empty stomach.... All these dreamsа do not give any rest. And the leader a tail vibrates - л Follow me, ╗ means. Well, full forward.

The flight of sharks has floated in the direction of a beach...

.... The student from England, serenly having closed eyes, laid on an inflatable mattress, shaking on waves... Highly in the skyа the helicopter of a coast guard was flying. The partner of the pilotа has nothing to do and examinedа throug the field-glass the student and spoke to his comrade:

- Only look at her! She is a real photo-model! It is necessary to track her!а She is just in my taste.

- Look, sharks! - the pilot has interrupted him, specifying on fins acting from water.

Promptа has noticed the helicopter too. He perfectly knew vile abilities of this Grandiose Fly. Suddenly a strahge ideaа has flashed in his head - it is necessary to be in time! To what their leader conducts, should not happen. And the desire it was so strong, that he, jumping out almost entirely from water, has rushed forward. He left others far behindа himself.

His jerk has notа been understood neither sharks nor observers from the helicopter.

- Look, look, what he is doing! - shouted the second watcher аto the pilot,а pointing at Prompt. The pilot already transferred on a portable radio set: ╗ Attention! Sharks! ╗ In the answer it was distributed precautionary a loud signal from the coast. People who was swimming in the sea with shouts have floated to a saving strip to the coast. Photo- model on an inflatable mattress has furiously worked withа hands. But sharksа were closerа to her, than gold sand.

Prompt has behaved himselfа somehow strange: from time to timeа heа jumped out of water sometimes he emerged.

- Shoot! He will leave! - the pilot shouted. His assistantа without his valuable instructions already caught a familiar fin on a front sight.

Shot. Another. And on water with a geyser the pink stain began to creep away.

The girl on a mattress was floating, becoming exhausted. Sharks, having reached a pink stain, have there and then forgotten about her - the nearest extraction and began to tear their colleague to pieces. Water around was foamed. Shots from above have rung out. Here and there water was pink with blood. The escaped sharks have turned back.

The pink stain increased in sizes, has not had time to be dissolved yet as the pilot has caught lateral sight golden cloud, rising to the sky. Melodious sounds were distributed absolutely near him: ╗ There is no more that love as if who will put the soul for the friends. ╗

Whether though it is not enough, that can seem to the tired person at solar blinding shine, boundless blue and sharp shouts of seagulls

аааааа ..................

After the sharks which have escaped from shooting the small launch of caretaking service was started - to finish the rest of flight.

The Torn Fin, 5а minutes ago participating in a sharing of interiors of the brother Prompt, he could not go forward in any way. And, as is known, lagging behind beat.

He also became the first trophy, taken on a deck of a launch.

Soon the captain has directed the vessel to coast, not losing time, one of sailors has cut Torn Fin a belly and has thrown out on the canvas shark'sа interiors. With special interest the sailor has glanced in a stomach - suddenly there will be something worth. While he pottered, the impudent seagull has dived, has seized heart and has soared up up, accompanied with a wish:

- I wishа the cat had eaten you!

Ko-Kvo as called the seagull, has hurriedly swallowed extraction, having felt in itself something such that could not express. Then she was flying аhalf an hour, it was lowered on some a vessel - to have a rest and be supported. Ko-Kvo knew where to sit. Many idlers areа onboard- it meansааа will be gratuitous feeding.

And so it was. The passenger liner was floating to Turkey.

аааааааааааааа ............................

It is early morning on a beach in Antalia... Near to the sea there is a silverа jeep. Threeа men sit inа it: the driver, the owner - young guy with a gold circuit on a breast, and the visitor, low swarty man with narrow eyes.

- Well, show me a birdy, - the owner of a jeepа said (he recently became a main person in one of Russian criminals, and nowа he searched for himselfаа something unusualа л for image ╗) .

The Kazakh lifts a cage with a kite, showing from different directions. man with a shaved head аlooksа at it and than says: - I don't care of price.а Show me it in real business!

- How can I show show?

The buyer leaves the machine. Behind him the Kazakh with a cellа goes.

The owner of a jeepа looks through a vicinityа and then finds object of hunting.

- Here it is! Letа himа to her! -andа sticks with a finger into the floating girl.

The Kazakh narrow eyesа are approximated.

This girl is mine. She has bothered me. Don't beа afraid, problems will not be. I know.-explain the buyer.

The Kazakh hesitates.

- Well, I do not repeat two times, -а The man with a shaved head is angry.

After a little timeа the kite appears on freedom. His owner issues a guttural sound and a bird flies up.

The distance between a kite and a head of the girl was reduced.

Suddenly to a predator the white seagull has rushed. Having linked, both birds like a stone have fallen in water. Almost at once the kite has risen in air, holding in claws stained with blood seagull and has departed to the owner - to show.

Observers of hunting stood shocked.

-а The seagull, it is visible, is crasy.-was summarized by the owner of a jeep and he has turned back to a seller.-More shortly, I take it. Your birdy, and the truthа is abrupt...

.... Asа to his bothered passion she in general has noticed nothing. Using the moment, she blessed lapping in the sea, thought:

- What a pity that Lidaаа my neigbour does not see me now. Sheа would burst with envy! Probably she doesn't know , where Antalia is!

She was completely right. In brought by snow aleevka, consisting of 4 court yard, people hardly represented the sea to themselves, and about Antalia they did not suspect at all...

ааа ..................

In one of the best Berlin clinics the official about 40 from Ukraine was dying . In his homeland heа was almost omnipotent person having the quite good capital in the Swiss bank. He has spent all conscious life for an ascention on a pyramid of authority and has almost reached itsа top - suddenly a ssarcoma. Now, keeping on anesthetizing preparations seemed to him as if all this pyramid presses to him with a sharp side on a throat and does not give easy to breathe.

This multi-coloured vast object has consisted of multi-coloured blocks, and each of blocks reminded something to it him. One one voluminous stone was separated from it her, has started moving with noise.... Also there was at his bed a young journalist the Georgian, holding in his hands the cut off head (the official still recently prepared for custom-made murder of this two-meter handsome man).

- You see, - the head has started talking, - do you recognize each of stones? You anyhow have put hand on each of them. Look at the monolithic basis! These are tears of millions people which you have made unfortunate... I am one of those who waits for you there, on incorruptible court.

The official tried to be covered from this penetrating glance of blue eyes and could not.

From time to time doctors approached to him - supervised a condition of the patient, but he saw only this unblinking sight.

The attending physician has given assignment and has left. The nurse began to enter to him any supernewest medicine. On a label the image of a shark has flashed. In this packing there was everything, that remained from Prompt and his brother Torn Fin.. After a while the patient has fallen asleep and has seen the boundless sea, flight of the sharks attacking a yacht, death of the priest in a mouth ofа Prompt. He has seen in detail all chain of events up to destruction of the seagull Ko-Kvo. Something inside him whispered: ╗ you are a part too. The world waits for the best, that it is in you! ╗

л And what in me is the best? ╗, has thought dyingа man puzzly. The similar question never disturbed him in a reality.

He has seen himselfа as a white-headed boy inа the village at the grandmother. The semiliterate old woman told to him always for the night instead of a fairy tale something "spiritual".

Here, to luxurious clinic thereа her slightly a melodious voice has come from far away.

- One robber, dying, has recollected all life which having lived anything good and has cried all the night long. For the morning he has died. Whenа his soul has been called on court Divine have combined all malicious his affairs on one bowl. It also has pulled downwards because it was very heavy. On other bowl angels have put his scarf, all wet from tears of a repentance. And the bowl with a scarf has drawn...

The patient has moaned and has woken up. He has madeа the slightest movement and one of his bodyguards who are on duty in chamber, has submitted a paper, the handle and a plastic board. On the sheet of paper have appeared unsteady words: ╗ Distribute all to vagabonds that the chain has not interrupted.... ╗

In the passionless person of the security guard it was reflected nothing.

The person on bed has begun to wheeze. Doctors have run in. Soon all it was terminated...

When to the young widow inа the whiteа suit have submitted an agonal note, sheа looked at аjumping letters, there and then has torn the note..

Whether it is not enough, that the person in an agony can imagine and write.а All has its place...

.... The black marble of a monument looked great on the grave of the dead man. In the middle the large circuit has been cut. It was meant - last will deceased. Andа for what - it is not clear.

One of vagabonds (in pastа the military oficer), sitting in a shadow of this black bulk and having a snack sausage, has thrown to a colleague such idea.

- See, a circuit what have stuck. It means that man became crazy of gold. From suchа guys neither here nor thereа we have nothing ustfull.

Other vagabond (in that life he was аscientist)а has noticed:

- Look, how it is interesting. There, where the thief in the law lays - all fades, even the weed does not grow, and here politics - chatterboxа is, and on his grave we see the whole flower bed, as in subtropics. Theoretically both of them drankа bloodа from peopleа all their life, in the identical ground decay, and what a difference !

- What is strange here? - the former officer has waved away. - the Biofield here, is visible, positive, and there negative - and all affairs. All right, stand up! It is time to go!.

Vagabonds have left, and not having noticed, that among a tall weeds there was a gold grain - a symbol of a life...ааааа

ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа April, 2006.

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